Gottman Couples Therapy

Dr. Satira is a Certified Gottman Couples Therapist which means that she utilizes interventions based on over 40 years of research developed by Drs. John and Julie Gottman's work with over 3,000 couples.  Not only does Dr. Satira support and help repair troubled relationships, she helps to strengthen happy ones. 


Weekly Couples Therapy

Traditional couples therapy that occurs during 45 minute sessions guided by a treatment plan created with the couple following an assessment.  
Pre-Marital Therapy
Therapy mixed with  psychoeducation focused on communication, relationship skills, compromise, and conflict management.  .  
Marriage Ministry Retreats
Weekend couples workshops for religious institutions.  
Non-profit Organizations' Relationship Workshops
Relationship workshops for couples being served by non-profit organizations. 

Schedule Couples Retreats, Workshops, or Therapy

Contact us to schedule the services listed above. We will reach out to you with to confirm date, time, price, and payment options within 24 hours.  

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